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George Bush's Favorite Comic

By Craig & Lucie
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Welcome to SBC’s The Panel, a chance for you to put your burning questions – comics-related or otherwise – to a group of comics professionals.

The Panel lives or dies by your contributions; please email them to [email protected] and we’ll add them to the list…

This week’s question comes from SBC Big Kahuna himself, Jason Brice, and is as follows:-

"If President George W. Bush (and/or Tony Blair, and/or any other elected official or dictator you choose) were a comic book fan, who or what would be his - or her - favorite creators and/or series?"

Beau Smith:

President Bush would like most anything I wrote...why? Because I always throw in a mix of action, humor and romance in my comics. He would enjoy Chuck Dixon's comics with the history slant. I also think he would enjoy the art of The Kubert Brothers, Jim Lee, Steve Lieber and Art Adams...all these guys are master story tellers.

I think President Bush would enjoy the JSA comic as well as The Avengers. I think they would appeal to him because of the dynamics of a group of super powers and how they interact with each other. Much like his own job as president.

To close, I think he would be a fan of Archie comics because of the humor and all ages attraction of Archie comics. I know I still read em'.

Beau Smith writes, fights and wears tights…well, two out of three ain’t bad.

William Tucci:

Since the President is the son of a war hero he most likely spent many a youthful hour lost in the classic pages of Marvel's "Sgt. Fury and his Howling Commandos", DC's amazing "Sgt. Rock" and being from Texas, "The Lone Ranger" by Dell Comics.

Apparently, when GWB isn't busy keeping the world safe from Terror, lowering our out of control tax burden or leading us through the best economy in twenty years, I've read that he regularly enjoys "The Onion." Now I know that's not comics, but shows a certain sense of humor and degree of wit. So I'd bet he'd really get a kick out of many books in Top Shelf's catalogue, especially Craig Thompson's "Good-Bye, Chunky Rice" and "Better Luck Next Century" by the wonderful Dylan Horrocks.

Of course, there's always "Superman."

William Tucci is perhaps best known for his creation Shi, issue one of the latest series Ju-Nen due very shortly.

Roger Langridge:

If Eaglemoss' Horrible Histories series have done an issue on the Crusades yet, I think it should be put at the top of his reading pile.

As for what he might actually like, I can see him having a good old wank over some of Frank Miller's stuff. If you're not smart enough to see the satirical edge, it can easily be read as nice simple right-wing politics with no shades of grey. Maybe he'd like some of those World War Two propaganda comics where the Germans and Japanese are all hunchbacked, slope-eyed demons and the Americans are gods in human form.

But I think the creator whose work he'd most identify with is Jack T. Chick (of Christian propaganda minicomic fame).

Tony Blair would probably prefer a watered-down version, like those religious Archie comics they used to do. You can't really play guitar to Jack T. Chick.

Roger Langridge is the creator of Fred The Clown, a new issue of which is right now … your orders are to look out for it

Vince Moore:

Right now I think GWB's favorite book would be American Power. Therefore his favorite creator would be Chuck Dixon. Although I think GWB would definitely be into Ennis' Punisher.

Vince Moore is the writer of Platinum Publishing’s upcoming book, Kid Victory & The Funky Hammer

Alonzo Washington:

Sgt. Rock & Power Rangers attack of the ooze! I think he would be interested in any comic book that deals with war & oil.

Alonzo Washington is the creator of Omega Man and a noted black rights campaigner

Devin Grayson:

Duly elected? Oh, sorry. 'Fraid that leaves Bush out....mind you, George W. Bush has made it very clear that he does not read. Anything.

Devin Grayson writes exclusively for DC, the reinvigorated Nightwing being amongst her current crop of books.

Alan Grant:

Prior to the September 11 attacks, Bush's intelligence quotient seemed to be on the low-to-non-existent side. He may have gained comfort from the Teletubbies comics, although the emphasis on hugging would have made him queasy, maybe even psychotically enraged.

However, I suspect that since the Twin Towers Bush has been possessed by one of the evil Spirits of the Apocalypse, possibly Leviathan, which now uses Bush as its mouthpiece. If this is indeed the case, the Pres will not be reading any comics at all in future. All of his energies will be focussed on manifesting, in real life, the catastrophes prophesied in the Book of Revelation.

Alan Grant is maybe most famous for his Batman and Judge Dredd work, and his classic EPIC series The Last American is due out imminently from Com.X as a trade for the first time.

Fiona Avery:

President Bush probably didn't read comic books as a kid because the man in all likelihood can't read. Maybe the pictures helped. But I have the chilling suspicion he was read Art Spiegelman's MAUS as a child and laughed.

Fiona Avery plays in the Marvel Universe, with Wildstorm at DC, and is the creator of No Honor.

Stephen Holland:

There’s not a lot for Bush to choose between, is there?

Even at Marvel and DC every writer who touches politics despises the arrogant, self-serving, manipulative, disingenuous, hypocritical, drink-driving, election-rigging, minority-oppressing, human-rights-eliminating, fund-slashing, environment-obliterating, oil-obsessed, imperialist little shit.

He’d probably get a kick out of The Ultimates - though Condoleeza, Dick or Colin would need to use a lot of white out on all those Thor speeches.

He certainly wouldn’t be too fond of Dr. Parsons, creator of tony & me by georg bush.

Nor would Mr. Blair, though at least he was democratically elected.

I imagine our Tony would go for Love & Rockets. There’s a band in there, and they’ve long been a brand name that’s “cool” to leave on your coffee table. I doubt he’d read it, though: Tony’s way too busy betraying Labour’s long-held principles and pissing all over our collective social conscience.

Sorry, did you just touch a nerve? :)

Stephen Holland runs Page 45, a comic shop in Nottingham, England, with Mark Simpson and Tom Rosin. He also has a regular column in Comics International. In #171, out in a fortnight, he praises the generosity and business acumen of Dave Sim, creator of Cerebus - even though Stephen is ever-so-slightly left of centre, and Dave Sim is what you might call less-than-liberal.

Rob Williams:

That question would imply that Bush could read, which isn't necessarily the case.

Maybe Bryan Hitch-era The Authority or The Ultimates - all those pretty splash pages would mean that he wouldn't have to concentrate too much and the nasty violence would remind him that he maybe did make the right choice in not bothering to turn up for the Texas National Guard. I mean, look at what's happening in Iraq at the moment? Soldiers can get hurt.

In Tony Blair's case, if George liked The Authority and The Ultimates, then I'm sure Tony'd take that recommendation on board.

Rob Williams is the writer of Cla$$war for Com.X, Family for the Judge Dredd Megazine, a bunch of stuff for 2000AD, including the upcoming Low Life, and Star Wars Tales for Dark Horse.

Donna Barr:

First, George Bush would have to learn to read. Tony Blair would read whatever George Bush told him to read.

Donna Barr has books and original art at, webcomics at,, and has POD at Nothing she won't try, at least once.

Jesse Leon McCann:

George W. Bush became a comics fan while sitting on his dad's lap and having REAGAN'S RAIDERS read to him. Later, when he struck out on his own, he tried THE PUNISHER, thinking it to be just his style. But soon he realized he couldn't understand a bit of it--probably because some foreigner named Ennis was the writer.

Today, while eating pretzels, he'll peruse his well-worn copies of the GON series, comfortably uncluttered with words, and featuring some "darn purty pitchers."

Jesse Leon McCann currently editing the fourth Simpsons TV Episode Guide for Bongo Comics/Harper Perennial, writing several stories for DC Comics' Kids Line, and Scooby-Doo books for Fisher Price and Scholastic, Inc.

Kwanza Osajyefo:

That's a good question, John. (pause) Uhm. G-Dub, as I refer to him, (pause) would actually have to first prove to me that he could actually read. (pause) I think despite your political affiliation, his performance during his press conference (pause) was poor and that he has a poor record as president. Mudslinging aside, (pause) I think that the Thief-in-Chief would likely have Dick read to him, uhm, licensed-property comics or comics with movie or TV tie-ins. Good Christian comics (pause) full of Americans fighting against those evildoers that hate us, freedom and our way of life.

So to break down a list appropriate for G-Dub:
Captain America
Captain America and the Falcon
Marvel Age Spider-Man
The Punisher
Powepuff Girls
Scooby Doo
Teen Titans GO!
GI Joe
American Power
Head Up Ass-Man

His favorite creators, Avi Arad, Gui Karyo, Bill Jemas, Paul Levitz, Jeannete Kahn and God.

Viva la Freedom Toast!
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Kwanza Osajyefo is the founder of funkyComics, home to Jim's Ninja and a number of other forthcoming comic book properties.

Vito Delsante:

I would imagine GWB being a Superman fan or maybe even a Captain Marvel fan. I definitely think he has the mind of a child trapped in the body of an adult and he probably drives Cheney insane saying "Shazam!" a la Gomer Pyle during important meetings.

Vito Delsante is currently pitching his creator owned mini-series, "The Mercury Chronicles", with artist Jim Muniz. He can be seen in June's "Batman Adventures Vol 2: Shadows and Masks" from DC Comics and in a forthcoming issue of X-Men Unlimited.

Brandon Thomas:

This is a tough one, because most guys are going to think of George W. Bush, and his high stakes revenge epic against Saddam Hussein, and draw instant comparisons to Marvel’s Punisher, but that might be too extreme, even for him. The comic franchise that most exemplifies Bush, and his outlook on the world, are the X-Men and the imperialistic strangle-hold their books can elicit on the marketplace. Because they are the biggest and the baddest, and clearly outnumber anyone that could serve as a worthy competitor, I think Bush would appreciate their standing and influence among us. He’d be impressed at how mutants, supposedly feared and hated, could multiply uninhibited, thereby bullying themselves into the upper echelons of the sales charts. But then, he’d probably label them social deviants, and tell them they couldn’t get married to one another…

Brandon Thomas is one of the writers of Spider-Man Unlimited #3, scripter of Youngblood, creator of Cross and long-time Ambidextrous columnist.

Finally, Jason also sent this question to New Zealand’s Prime Minister Helen Clark:

Dear Prime Minister,

I am a New Zealander who runs a large fan website for comic books. My site, Silver Bullet Comics, reaches a wide international audience. As Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage, you may or may not be aware there is a large and thriving comic book community in Aotearoa.

One of the discussions we are currently engaged in focuses on our respective national leaders, and their (possible) interest in comic books.

Do you have any interest in comic books, or have you read them regularly at any point in your life?

Thanks for your time and attention, despite the somewhat trivial nature of my request.

It took mere days for a response to come winging its way back to us:-

Kia ora,

Thank you for your e-mail message. It is difficult to respond to the many e-mail messages received. We do however read everything that is sent and if a unique issue has been raised or new information presented we will respond as soon as possible.

Naku noa, na

[Name withheld on no-one’s request]
Private Secretary

I think that answers all questions?

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